Guest Blogs
Samjoko will be open to guest bloggers. Each blog should be between 400-800 words. Copyright free images can be supplied by guest blogger (1-3) if desired.
Query idea first. If accepted, blogs will be posted when completed, along with the author’s bio, relevant links, and social media sites.
Each guest blog will be posted 3-5 weeks after the previous one.
Blogs, Channels, & Podcasts We Follow
Guest Blog 1: WE ALL HAVE OBSESSIONS (2021/09/18) - Gillian Polack
Guest Blog 2: THE THRILL AND THE TERROR OF BEGINNINGS (2021/10/02) - Steven R. Southard
Guest Blog 3:
Guest Blog 4: THE HAUNTED HOUSE: A CAUTIONARY TALE (2021/10/30) - Jill Hand
Guest Blog 5: ORIGINS OF THE SPACE AND TIME CONTINUUM (2021/11/13) - Gordon Linzner
Guest Blog 6: ON DIRECTING: THE CRUX (2021/11/27) - Tony Pisculli
Guest Blog 7: THE ROAD GOES EVER ON (2021/12/11) - Hayden Trenholm
Guest Blog 8: On the Importance of Saying No (2021/12/25) - Rebecca Buchanan
Guest Blog 9: A Bookstore in Central Taiwan (2022/01/08) - B&B Trade Winds
Guest Blog 10: On Writing Ekphrastic Poetry (2022/01/22) - Isabelle Kenyon
Guest Blog 11: Experience living in Australia as an American during COVID-19 (2022/02/05) - Kimberly Katie
Guest Blog 12: Blogging Journey - On the Importance of Saying Yes (2022/02/19) - Ceri Evans
Guest Blog 13: Love Sublime: The Reviewers’ Delight (2022/03/05) - Pravat Kumar Padhy
Guest Blog 14: A Small Difference (2022/03/26) - Steve Dunham
Guest Blog 15: The Inside Story of a Book Award Judge (2022/04/16) - Sandra Wendel