rides the F train
at five am
still half asleep
lunch pail and construction
hat in his lap
I see the shimmer of island
palms that he carries with him
I hear his Papi’s shout
as he passes me
the taste of his Mami’s
rice and beans
brushes my lips
and I sway to the
merengue that flows
from his feet
as he dances
up the stairs
and out of his dream
Say something
speak up
I can’t hear you
in the corner
say something
or wave your arms
so I can see that
you are still able to move
turn your head away
from the wall
look out here
towards the light
open your fists
and let the blood
on them thicken
let the scars heal
and the day you face
will blind you at first
but then it will
guide you down your
own birth canal
back to yourself
You are magic
reduced to reason
you are tall tale
reduced to common sense
you are unity
reduced to a battle
you are the sky
reduced to a cloud
you are the earth
tied to one place
you are the music
tied to one note
you are all
tied to some
you are forever
tied to the moment
but not for long
soon you will discover
that you are
the dance
and you are
the song.
Author’s Biography
Leslie Dianne is a poet, novelist, screenwriter, playwright and performer whose work has been acclaimed internationally in places such as the Harrogate Fringe Festival in Great Britain, The International Arts Festival in Tuscany, Italy and at La Mama in NYC. She received her BA in French Literature from CUNY and her poems have appeared in Noctivant Press, The Wild Word, Constellate Magazine, Moida and Trouvaille Review Her poetry was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize.