Chopstick Commandments

  1. Avoid one chopstick longer than the other in a pair
    That would recall what a coffin is made of

  2. Don’t plant them in the middle of a bowel of rice
    Or dish, like a scent burning for the dead

  3. Never use them to poke around in a dish
    In the way a tomb raider works hard in dark

  4. Put them strictly parallel to each other; or you
    Would have yourself crossed out as a deplorable error

  5. If you drop one or both of them on the ground, you
    Will wake up and provoke your ancient ancestors

  6. If you use them to beat containers like a drum player
    You are fated to live a low and poor beggar’s life

  7. When you make noises with them in your mouth
    You betray your true self as a rude and rough pariah

  8. Never point them towards anyone if you
    Do not really mean to swear at a fellow diner

  9. Make sure not to pierce any food with them while eating
    When you do not mean to raise your mid-finger to all around you

  10. To use them in the wrong way is
    To make yourself looked down by others


Mindful Mindset 

1/ Here: Into the Reality 

You see, here’s the leaf dyed with the full
Spectrum of autumn; here’s the dewdrop
Containing all the dreams made on the
Darkest corner of last night; here’s the
Light pole in the forest where gods land
From another higher world; here’s the swirl
You can dance with to release all your
Stresses against the Virus. Here you are in
Deed as in need embracing
The most
Mindful moment, when you can readily
Measure your feel with each breath, but do
Not think about time, which is nothing but
A pure human invention. Just point every
Synapse of yours to this locale. Here is now

3/ Now: The Art of Living  

   With my third eye I gaze into
The present moment, & there I find it
Full of pixels, each of which is
Unfurling slowly like a koru into
A whole new brave world that I 
Can spend days, even months to watch
As if from

          A magic kaleidoscope


Missing: for Qi Hong

Each time I miss you
A bud begins to bloom
So you are surrounded by flowers
Everywhere you go      

Each time I miss you
A dot of light pops up
So you are illuminated by a whole sky
Of stars through the night

Author’s Biography

Yuan Changming hails with Allen Yuan from Credits include eleven Pushcart nominations besides appearances in Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17) & BestNewPoemsOnline, among nearly 1900 others. Recently, Yuan published his eleventh chapbook Limerence, and served on the jury for Canada's 44th National Magazine Awards (poetry category).