Brainmapping of Samjoko

Samjoko is flying over PyungYang (The capital city of Goguryo)

Two million years memory of Samjoko

Artist’s Biography

Ha Yoon, a South Korean neurosurgeon and artist, draws inspiration from the human brain's complex structure and its 3.6 million miles of nerve pathways. Combining his medical expertise with his passion for art, Ha began creating digital artworks of human brains, later venturing into the realm of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to make his art unique and digitally certified. This innovative approach has made him popular in South Korea. Ha's work, deeply influenced by his parents' artistic backgrounds, explores the intricate relationship between neural networks and human memory through vibrant colors and abstract representations. His art, a reflection of his dual career and interests, seamlessly merges the worlds of neuroscience and digital art, demonstrating the potential for interdisciplinary creativity and the impact of new technologies like NFTs on artistic expression.