Samjoko Magazine Spring Issue 1


Cherry blossoms in Asia dispel the memories of a gray winter. White buds appear in withered branches to cover trees that have been slumbering since fall. The bloom lasts only three weeks in April, but the flowers symbolize the survival of yet another blistery season and leave an indelible impression on the peoples of Korea, Japan, and other areas where the cherry blossoms proliferate.

I can only imagine how important this representation of renewal was in the past, as cherry blossom festivals are a common sight throughout Asia.

The Spring 2022 release of Samjoko Magazine is a literary blooming of narratives and ideas.  Fiction, nonfiction, poems and plays poured in from all over the world between January and April. The task of reviewing this deluge conjured to mind the difficulty of sustaining a magazine from month to month. Producing the inaugural winter issue was an exciting endeavor, the newness of the experience making the labor feel like play.

When submissions reopened for Issue #2 in mid-January, the excitement had worn off, the tone of the process changing. Trudging forward during the cold winter months, the evenings darkening early and the sun rising late; finding time within busy days to carefully look over selections; this all proved to be more challenging because the submissions were much stronger this reading period. There were far more Maybes, which required additional consideration as the whittling down process to 15 publishable pieces progressed.

Now that the selection is completed, edited, and gracing the digital pages of Samjoko, I think of the cherry blossoms and how their appearance at the beginning of spring makes the effort of sustaining throughout the gloomy winter a cherished reward. The 14 contributors of this current issue generate a second wind that refreshes the sprit and rejuvenates the mind in preparation for the hot and humid summer steadily approaching. For in the end, every season has its trials, from the frigid winds of winter to the pollen-laden, allergy inducing breeze of spring. Ultimately, it’s the signs of renewal, the unique symbols that each season offers, that spark new life in the soul.

I hope Samjoko Magazine becomes a seasonal reminder that despite the harried nature of living, there is a creative purpose to it all.

Enjoy the spring bloom of Samjoko.