The Trade Winds Blow

Antennae sensing, mind empty, searching
In the quiet of a small Taiwan town
Memories and dreams, timeless, merging.
A teenager, in a private library found
A part-time job, and hours for reading.
Exam eve, a student puts her textbooks down
Indulging instead in a comic book feast
Imagination open, tension released

A young woman daydreams, a secret night
In a fine art museum, locked in, alone
With a Brontë novel and a good light.
I see books flow in and then they are gone
My passion for books is a shared delight

(Chinese, English, Japanese and other languages play catch balls among the chaos, only for fun)

These dreams, these pictures, and help from a friend gave birth to TradeWinds Bookstore… the end!

My friend wrote this poem that described how my book store started. Exactly I am always eager for the fresh air to blow into my empty mind, since I was still a child. And once I get a vague image of something, then rush to the next topic instead. Just can’t wait to reach further, my eyes always on the far off side of view. Therefore my book shelves are stuck with lots of books that are half read. For a bookworm, there is nothing more lucky than being surrounded by books you enjoy reading. 

No bookstore no life

In the beginning, the image of an ideal bookstore should be located among the neighborhood.

Our bookstore must be standing at the corner on the street, no matter how many times we move to a new place. Right now it’s the third time and also the last time (we hope due to the fact we bought the building ). While you are on your way home, walk the dog, doing grocery shopping and so on.

We welcome everyone no matter if you plan a visit or just drop by; even if you happen to spy on our bookshelves through the window.

We design the bookstore not only for selling books, but also B(Book)&b(bed) for staying overnight, gallery for photography, cafe for taking a break and beyond.  

As the space between books, I leave it to the book lovers.

They will fill up the empty till there is no void. Or they may create more new space for the future digger. Maybe shop-in-shop like bakery, flower shop or bar?

Right now, we have a young artist curate the pottery exhibition, English workshop, movie night, pop-in grocery store etc.

We are open for every possibility, and welcome people to use the cozy space between bookshelves.


Open the window for fresh air flow through

What makes us different from other independent bookstores in Taiwan?

Since growing up in Taiwan as a Han Taiwanese woman, the Chinese language is mostly used. Especially in school age, when I begin taking English lessons in middle school, end of having my English name from teacher.

The school education followed with endless exams that really spoiled my interest not only in English, but also at Chinese culture. It makes me doubt conditional environment.

About my teenage era, the democracy movements swept across Taiwan. That was the first time I was woken up by books. I started to realize knowledge on books play the important role except only a practical tool or entertainment device, leading to my critical attitude to every word I read. 

And I am lucky to have partner who shares the same perception and bookshelves with me.

I am back to school to study Japanese, which opens a new window for me. And build a bridge between not only to a different culture but also able to reach people under Japan's occupied era.

No need to mention how important the role English plays, while we are in the global era. People who own the diverse background can communicate in English just like indigenous people start to communicate effectively in Japanese. 

That is the reason that my book store has mainly Chinese books, and about 10 % of English and Japanese books. 

Listen what books say about this world

Each book in our bookstore is like a piece of puzzle and shines in their own way. And I try to use them to form my understanding of this world.

Gradually, the world is getting more complicated as complete as books increase. Not only the publisher, people also bring books to us, maybe the used books or self published books. And we try our best to put them together to present our image of an ideal world. Everyone helps to form the shape of this bookstore roughly. And I am the one trimming it frequently. 

You may call it our style, our perspective, but I would rather say we just have more books from social science/literary/picture book/photography etc.

Sometimes the breeze blows, sometimes the winds down.

After we moved the bookstore from the central Taiwan to east Taiwan, we arrived to the most base of aboriginal people. It gave us the opportunity to learn aboriginal culture from zero. Just like the great bang in the universe, this encounter reflected my acknowledgement to the meaning of civilization. 

Compared to early years, we work hard to promote bookstore. Now we learned to take time rooting and learning and living our daily life with local community. Since we are already here, there is no need to rush things up.

Eventually, I learn to mind my daily business while waiting for the wind to rise. We just sow the seeds that we own and wait.

As a powerless individual on the broken planet, what I can do is reduce the harm I make every day.  One day when human beings devote their ability more than take ungratefully. 

Just hoping that day will come.

B&B Tradewinds

A independent book store located in a small town of east Taiwan. Where Taiwan aboriginal people encounter western and eastern culture within violence ways near hundred years. But still accepting new comers from their heart. Value diverse backgrounds, and remind people there's endless owes full of this universe we share.

Offering books in Chinese mainly, but also in English and Japanese. The title of trade winds sympolized the exchange between different cultures. Blue tone interior glowing calm wisdom under chaos age. Cozy corners spread out book store waiting for book lovers passage in diverse cultures freely.